Alternatives to Suicide Group Seed Funding Application Year 2024

The Division of Mental Health and Addiction and Mental Health America of Indiana will award $4,000 in seed funding each to selected Alternatives to Suicide (Alt2Su) Peer Facilitator groups throughout the state of Indiana. This funding is provided through the SAMHSA Garrett Lee Smith State Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program, A Focus in Community, State & Peer Collaboration: Striving to Achieve Zero Suicides in Indiana. The purpose of this funding is to establish Alternatives to Suicide peer support groups to individuals who experience thoughts of suicide. Applicants must have completed the 3-day in person Alt2Su training and meet all criteria. Applicants must submit their application by October 18th, 2024. Applicants will be notified of award or denial of seed funding by November 22nd, 2024.

Support group logistics must include:

  • Location/Address of support group meetings of in person meetings (if not known, please provide prospective locations)
  • Virtual platform used for online meetings (must be paid accounts to ensure all required functions of virtual meeting delivery)
  • Time of support group meetings (should be offered the same time each week)
  • Day of the week for support group meeting (should be the same day of each week)
  • How often the meeting will occur (weekly/biweekly)
  • Size of support group (if currently meeting). If not currently meeting what is the capacity of the venue chosen or estimated venue capacity?
  • Alt2Su to groups should be no more than 20 attendees per group. How do you plan to manage capacity if groups become too large for the venue or the facilitators comfortability to manage the group?
  • How will you ensure consistency in reserving your group space to ensure groups are conducted at the same location, time, and day of the week?
  • Date of first meeting